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4 Tips for Having a Less Stressful Divorce

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It's no secret that getting divorced can be a challenging time. There are sure to be some stages you will go through emotionally, physically, and financially. The key to having the least amount of stress during this fragile time may depend on being prepared for it. Being aware of tips that can decrease your anxiety and enable you to get on with life is ideal.

Tip #1: Plan financially 

You're sure to have some notice that you're headed to divorce before it happens. The key to getting through this time better is to be as financially prepared for it as possible.

Be sure to decrease the amount of money you spend and work to increase your savings. Take time to plan a budget that you can live on by yourself to reduce anxiety in this area. The more you can be financially prepared for the end of your marriage the better.

Tip #2: Get support

It's important to have people in your life you can talk to about this situation. Enlisting the help of friends or family members can be of great comfort during this time.

You may want to reach out to old friends to help increase your support system and to have others to socialize with during this difficult time.

Tip #3: Stay active

You may be surprised just how much exercise can help you during some of the lower times when you're feeling depressed. Exercise will benefit your health and can improve your mood when you engage in it regularly.

Try to join a gym or have a set routine that can allow you to get in your exercise routinely to help combat depression and loneliness that are typically what many people feel in this situation. 

Tip #4: Work together

If at all possible, you will want to work jointly with your soon to be ex-spouse when it comes to property division and other decisions that must be made in the marriage. This can help you reach a fast dissolution of the marriage and allow you to spend less money in legal fees.

The key to being able to avoid a great deal of stress that can lead to health issues and other concerns is to know what to do when your marriage is ending. Be sure to consult with a divorce lawyer like Begley Carlin & Mandio LLP for additional tips on getting through your divorce and legally guide you in the process. 
