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Understanding How Attorneys Place A Value On An Auto Accident Claim

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If you're injured in an auto accident that was caused by another driver, the best thing that you can do is hire an experienced auto accident attorney to represent you. An attorney will work hard on your behalf to communicate with the other driver's insurance company and secure the settlement that you deserve. An auto accident attorney will also have the skills and expertise needed to properly determine what your claim is worth, which is extremely important, since insurance companies often try to offer very low settlements. Some of the factors an attorney will use to determine what your claim is worth include the following:

Total Damage Amount

When working with a client who has been injured in a car accident, one of the first things that an attorney will consider is the total damage amount. Damages include a number of things, such as your medical bills, the cost of future medical treatment related to the injury, lost wages, pain and suffering, and the cost to have your vehicle repaired or replaced. Thus, if your injuries from a car accident result in paralysis, the total damages will be a lot higher than if you suffer from short-term whiplash that is properly treated and healed within the matter of a few weeks. 

Ability to Prove Liability

One thing that an auto accident attorney must do in order to secure the best possible settlement is prove that the other driver is completely liable for the accident. In the event that an attorney has the evidence needed to prove liability, he or she is more likely to request a higher settlement amount. When liability is not completely clear cut, an attorney may seek a settlement that is lower in value. Thus, if you are involved in a car accident, always get the contact information for eyewitnesses and make a note of whether or not there are any cameras in the area—the more evidence your attorney has, the better.

Clear Evidence That the Injury Was Caused by the Accident

Another factor in determining how much an auto accident claim is worth is being able to prove that the injuries sustained were directly caused by the accident. For example, if your leg is broken during the accident, it will not be hard to prove that the injury happened during the crash. But, if you have a back injury after the accident, but you also have a history of back problems, it can be more difficult to prove that your injuries were caused by the accident, so your lawyer may lower the settlement amount that he or she is seeking.

Reach out to an auto accident lawyer for more information.
