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Don't Be Hasty With Your Personal Injury Case

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It's only natural after an accident to be eager to get back to normal again. Your life has likely been turned upside-down by the accident in many ways. As your injuries begin to get better, you may turn your attention to being paid for the damages the careless driver caused. You have a right to be compensated for all the ways the accident has affected you, but care is needed not to move too hastily, Read on to understand why you don't need to rush into anything.

The Pressure Is On

Some accident victims are contacted while still in the hospital. Others are phoned soon after they arrive home. When the other driver's insurer calls you, be extremely wary. Know, first of all, that you are under no obligation to speak to them whatsoever. You should refuse to provide them with any sort of statement about the accident. You may have to speak to your own insurer, but you don't have to speak to the other driver's insurer.

Unfortunately, the other side has a tendency to trick accident victims into the phone call by offering to send them a big check if they just agree to provide them with some last-minute needed information. If you agree to speak to them, you may find your words miss-used, misconstrued, and your information about the accident being called inaccurate. Real damage can be done if you take part in this phone call. Instead, talk to a vehicle accident lawyer about your case, and let them deal with the matter.

Accepting a Settlement

Even if you are not tricked into giving a statement, you may miss out on valuable compensation if you aren't careful. The other side is counting on you agreeing to a settlement without speaking to a lawyer first. One of the first things a lawyer will do is to evaluate your case and come up with a dollar amount you are owed. There is one major form of damage that is likely either missing or too little in amount when you are offered a settlement – future medical payments. You may need more surgery or other medical services later, and you can only determine how much you need by being medically evaluated for that purpose. It can take time to know the full extent of your future needs. Other missing components to watch out for are payments for lost wages and pain and suffering.

To make sure you accept just the right settlement at just the right time, speak to a vehicle accident lawyer about your case.
