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What To Do If You Are Involved In An Accident With A Car While Bike Riding

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It can be one of the scariest things to happen to you. You may have been bike riding and were hit by a car. Accidents involving cars and bikes can be very serious and lead to major injuries or even the death of the rider. If you were involved in an accident with a car, there are a few things you need to do at the moment after an accident in the event you need to file a lawsuit against the driver.

Once you are able to, contact a motor vehicle accident lawyer and find out how your case can move forward. Here is what to do if you are involved in an accident with a car while bike riding.

Call Emergency Services

The first thing you need to do if you can is call emergency services or 911. If you are unable to call yourself, have a witness do it for you. You should request both EMS and police to respond to the scene. Even if you don't feel like you are seriously injured, it's best to get checked out by professionals just in case, and if you are injured, you need to be taken care of right away. This is a medical record that your motor vehicle accident lawyer can use in the event of a trial.

When the police arrive, tell them your side of the accident with as much detail as you can. Don't talk to others before you speak to the police about the accident. If there are witnesses, get them to stay around and give their statements to the police.

Get Witnesses' Contact Information

Another important thing you need to do while there are still witnesses around is to get their contact information. If they are willing to speak in court should they need to, get their names, phone numbers, and addresses so you can have your motor vehicle accident lawyer contact them to testify at trial. It may be possible that some of these witnesses might have dashcam footage from their car of the accident, and your lawyer can obtain it to use in court.

It is also possible that some witnesses might have taken video or pictures of the scene immediately after the accident and this too will be useful.

Take Pictures Or Video Of The Scene

It's important to document as much of the scene as you can. If you are too injured, have someone else take pictures of the car, any damage it sustained, the intersection or the part of the roadway you were on, and your bike. You should also take pictures or videos of your injuries and the position where you landed when you were hit. This can greatly help a motor vehicle accident lawyer help you win your case.

You should get the driver's car make and model as well as their license plate. If possible, get witness statements on video too. It's possible they won't remember the accident as clearly once the case goes to trial as they will in that moment.

Contact a firm like Shapiro Law Group to learn more.
